Sound And Lighting
Since 1967

2001 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45210
Tel: 513-381-2828
Fax: 513-381-5160

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Smithall Service

Smithall houses a complete repair shop, where service technicians stock a full compliment of audio, video, lighting, and security system parts.  In addition to parts, the Smithall rental department works with the service technicians to ensure that the customer has any replacement equipment necessary to keep their system running.  All Smithall technicians are JBL factory trained recone specialists in addition to being accomplished electronics technicians.  Our service department is prompt and efficient; the customer is the number one priority.

JBL Authorized
Repair Center

Maintenance Contracts

Smithall Electronics, Inc. offers every client their own custom maintenance contract, designed to meet both their needs and budget.  Even after the 1-year warranty expires, we continue to work with the client to ensure the maximum operating performance will be realized from all Sound, Lighting, Video, and Security systems. 
All of the following maintenance services are offered to all of our clients, including cruise ships.  Smithall service technicians can travel with little notice to any location world-wide, allowing us to complete even the most remote service call.

Smithall Electronics offers the following services:

  • Quarterly maintenance visits to clean and calibrate all components
  • Service technicians on-call 7 days a week
  • Equipment repair
  • Loaner equipment provided if factory service is required
  • Cost of materials, on-site travel and parts covered
  • Low annual fee with terms available
Typically, our maintenance agreements are based on the following variables:

  • Actual equipment and interconnect wiring in system
  • Current condition of equipment
  • Repair and/or refit necessary to bring inventory to maximum operating performance
  • Repair parts and preventative maintenance required to maintain equipment at performance standard